Thursday, May 26, 2011


1. How old were you at the time of the war
- I was about 11 years old

2. Did you know anyone that went off to war?
- Yes

3. If so, who were they?
-My best friends dad.

4. Did you talk about the war in school?
-Yes somewhat it was our current events.

5. Do you think the paper gave you the complete truth about the whole situation?
- To be honest, I am not sure since I was young, but I believe they were bias on the whole topic.

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John F. Kennedy:Jan 1, 1959 - ATTENTION...Castro is now in power

John F. Kennedy:Dec 19, 1960 - Cuba is now aligned with the Soviet Union!!!

John F. Kennedy:

April 12, 1961 - Breaking News. We are NOT going to overthrow Castro. I just pledged!

John F. Kennedy:

June 3, 1961- Currently holding summit in Vienna....

John F. Kennedy:

Oct 9, 1962 - Sadly our reconnaissance flight has been delayed until the 14th... Stupid weather...

John F. Kennedy:

Oct 16, 1962 - Our group will now be known as “EX-COMM”

John F. Kennedy:

Oct 18, 1962 - I am aware that the Soviet aid to Cuba has been only for the “defensive capabilities of Cuba.”

John F. Kennedy:

Oct. 19, 1962 - Best part of my day = Campaign Speech

John F. Kennedy:

Oct. 20, 1962 - Sadly my campaign speeches have come to an end, I have an upper respiratory infection.

John F. Kennedy:

Oct. 28, 1962 - Breaking News! It has been announced that Khrushchev has agreed to remove the missiles from Cuba!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Sunday Bloody Sunday

Sunday Bloody Sunday


I can't believe the news today
Oh, I can't close my eyes
And make it go away
How long...
How long must we sing this song
How long, how long...
'cause tonight...we can be as one

Broken bottles under children's feet
Bodies strewn across the dead end street
But I won't heed the battle call
It puts my back up
Puts my back up against the wall

Sunday, Bloody Sunday
Sunday, Bloody Sunday
Sunday, Bloody Sunday

And the battle's just begun
There's many lost, but tell me who has won
The trench is dug within our hearts
And mothers, children, brothers, sisters
Torn apart

Sunday, Bloody Sunday
Sunday, Bloody Sunday

How long...
How long must we sing this song
How long, how long...
'cause tonight...we can be as one

Sunday, Bloody Sunday
Sunday, Bloody Sunday

Wipe the tears from your eyes
Wipe your tears away
Oh, wipe your tears away
Oh, wipe your tears away
(Sunday, Bloody Sunday)
Oh, wipe your blood shot eyes
(Sunday, Bloody Sunday)

Sunday, Bloody Sunday (Sunday, Bloody Sunday)
Sunday, Bloody Sunday (Sunday, Bloody Sunday)

And it's true we are immune
When fact is fiction and TV reality
And today the millions cry
We eat and drink while tomorrow they die

(Sunday, Bloody Sunday)

The real battle just begun
To claim the victory Jesus won

Sunday Bloody Sunday
Sunday Bloody Sunday...

This song describes how much they are against war and how it is killing and tearing apart families. It also mentions how people are not aware of what is happening until people die. In my opinion I love this song and think it is completely true about the reality of war today.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Top.12 Concept Guide

Truman Doctrine - a policy that was set by the Harry Truman who was the U.S President saying that the U.S would support with economic and military aid to prevent their falling into the Soviet Sphere.
Containment Policy - It was a United States policy to use military and economic strategies to not let the spread of communism occur and prevent the domino effect.
Bay of Pigs Invasion - Was an unsuccessful action to invade southern Cuba. The U.S supported this action as well to over throw the Cuban government.
U.S Foreign Policy with regard to Korea and Vietnam - The U.S government were involved in the war trying to precent communist takeover of South Vietnam and as part of their strategy of containment.
Intervention - The U.S would send money to other countries and military supplies.
Cold War Development - The U.S did not trust communists and the USSR did not trust capitalist. Not to mention the distrust of the Soviets by the United States and the same distrust of the United States from the Soviet Union. Add to this the arms race, race to space and other events and you have the cold war.
War Powers Act - a federal law intended to check the power of the President in committing the United States to an armed conflict without the consent of Congress.
World War II Foreign Policy Vs. Post - WWII Foreign Policy - Prior to WWII American foreign policy was isolationist. We felt that other nations problems, particularly their wars, were their own business and we avoided getting involved unless we felt directly threatened. As a result of WWII though we decided that threats to peace and freedom elsewhere in the world did affect us, that if we ignored serious trouble in the world it would probably eventually find us. Thus after the war we became internationalist using our power and prestige to help and protect our friends and acting to prevent wars wherever possible or to minimize them when they did break out.
Limited War - conflict that those participating in the war did not use all the available resources.
Containment in Europe - Prisons, police departments, and judicial systems
Main Points of the Division of Germany - After the defeat of Germany in WWII the country was split between East and West. West Germany was a parliamentary democracy, and NATO member. East Germany was a totalitarian Stalinist dictatorship allied with the Soviet Union.
Douglass MacArthur dismissal - President Truman fired him for making public statements that contradicted the official policies of the United States Government.
Korean War Similarities with Persian Gulf War - Both Wars were supported by the United Nations.
Nuclear Test Ban - The U.S, Soviet Union, and United Kingdom banned all tests of nuclear weapons except those underground.
Long Term effect of Vietnam - People were killed and terribly injured.
Peace Corps - Volunteers travel overseas to make real differences in the lives of real people.
End of the Cold War - The fall of the Berlin wall and the separation of the Soviet Union.
Domino Theory - Theory that if one state in a region came under communism than the surrounding countries would follow in a domino effect.
Nixon's Detente - Easing the relations between the Soviet Union and the U.S

Friday, April 29, 2011

MLK vs. Malcolm X

MLK and Malcolm X are different in the many ways of methodology . Martin Luther King was more effect in his way of approaching the Civil Rights Movement, the reason being being that he has a more common way of approaching it. He showed both sides of the story and looked at the situation from both point of views, which therefore makes the people want to hear about it and understand where you're coming from easier. Where as Malcolm X just said how he felt and what he thought should be changed, he was very blunt with his idea of approaches. For example, one of his quotes says “Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery.” He believed you should fight back, which doesn't help with making peace. Where Martin Luther believed if someone hits you hug them, and stay strong and be happy no matter what they do or say to you. Martin Luther was more of a peaceful and civil man. People thought very highly of him and still do today, you talk about him all through out your school years and we even have a holiday for him. Where as in Malcolm X you rarely here about him, and don't acknowledge him as much. Martin Luther King had a greater impact on the Civil Rights Movement and our lives today than any other!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I am

I am proudly one of the Little Rock Nine.
I hear them talking about my skin color.
I see the other eight traveling with fear.
I want to be accepted.
I pretend to be strong.
I feel the segregation between our races.
I need someone to lean on.
I worry every second of every day.
I cry myself to sleep.
I am proudly one of the Little Rock Nine.
I understand that I look different.
I dream to walk to school without a security blanket.
I try my best in class.
I hope to make an impression on the everyday lifestyle.
I am proudly one of the Little Rock Nine.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Race High School Graduate College Graduate

W: 11 10
AA: 4 2
A: 5 4
H: 6 5
NA: 0 0
PI: 0 0
O: 2 1

You can infer that other races aside from the white population had less of an opportunity to go to college where as they had more of an opportunity to go to high school. College costs money and if your family did not have that chances are you wouldn't go, there was no such thing as college loans like there are today. I think that it also depends on the family itself and their culture, some cultures believe you have to go to school to get the education you need to achieve greatness, whereas others feel the complete opposite.

Topic 11. Concept Check.

MLK and Civil Disobedience- Martin Luther King said to hug those who are mean to you rather than harm them, that way no matter what they do to you they can never win.

Power of the “Mob” - the mob would come after the black people that tried to protest and tried to harm them.

Plessy v. Ferguson vs. Brown v. Board of Education Brown vs the board of education- deals with brown's daughter not being able to go to the closest school to where they lived because it was a "white" school. So she'd have to she'd have to travel just to get to class on a daily basis. Brow's argument was they should have the right to go to each school and attacked the law of "separate but equal." Brown's argument was accounted for and became a law, although each school could have as much time as they wanted to become segregated. Which still caused problems.

Civil Rights Goals - the civil rights movement deals with the struggle against racial segregation, taking away separate but equal, with lots of protests and arguments.

Eisenhower’s Role in Little Rock- The refusal by Arkansas to honor a Federal Court order to integrate the schools. Eisenhower sent Army troops to escort nine black students to Little Rock Central High School.

Rights of the Accused - If accused you had to go to jail.

Chavez and the United Farm Workers- Chavez founded the United Farm Workers. He organized strikes and civil disobedience for immigrant workers, although he was anti-immigration. He took part in the Delano grape strike which was the first strike of its kind and gained attention from publicity. Chavez believed in fasting to support a cause.

FHA and ADA - FDA is the Federal Housing Administration and ADA is Americans with Disabilities Act.

Purpose of Filibusters - To make a speech, such as MLK did and make it meaningful where after the lecture people wanted to go stand up for what they believe and and not stop.

Sit-Ins and Other Protests- sit ins were where people (not only blacks) would sit at a cafe, ask for a menu and not get up. people might throw food on them or even hit them but they would stay seated until a cop would come pull them away, then right after another person would come ask for a menu and the process would go on and on and on. Another protest was the "freedom rider" where people would go on a bus down to the deep south and go against the Jim crow law. Which ended with buses being bombed. It was very dangerous to partake in this protest.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Negative Side on Television

Television today impacts our life negatively by causes health related issues. There are millions of advertisements promoting poor food choices targeted at little kids. By watching these shows and commercials it influences them to eat poorly. Watching television also results in inactivity which then leads to weight gain and poor fitness levels.
Not only in health but television also portrays girls to have amazing swim suit model bodies which in reality is not true nor always healthy. Which leads to woman having low self-esteems and mental health problems.

Norman Rockwell Painting

On December 25, 1950 the Fidzerson family heard a loud thumping noise, could it be? Santa had finally arrived? The three little kids ran to the window expecting to find an old man in a red suit, but instead found piles and piles of snow scattered throughout their whole neighborhood. A few minutes later Buster the family dog started barking historically. Little Johnny then screamed "Papa! He's home!" In response Mamma replied with "A Beautiful Christmas Miracle."

Concept Check Chapter 10

McCarthyism impact on society:
charges Hollywood writers, directors, and producers with Communist propaganda in films and accused Department of State of harboring Communists

Communist "witch hunt" and impact on those accused:
supported by anti-Communist groups and imprisoned hundreds, thousand lost their jobs

Space Race impact on government policies:
Soviet Union beat United States to space with Sputnik 1 then the United States put more money in education to have better scientists.

Cold War mind set for the US government and public:
Leading to the Cold War; Soviet Union beat us to space in the technology race and the United States were afraid of Communism

Relationship of suburbs, automobiles, and roads:
Suburbs are out in the country area where there are more open roads. The cities have more traffic

Baby Boom:
After Men came back from the war their families had A LOT of babies which increased the population.

Urban-Suburban pattern:
The inner city had low income, the suburbs had middle income, and the further suburbs had high income.

GI Bill:
provides education to returning veterans and gave loans

Expansion of the middle class (why things were affordable):
The baby boom made people move to the suburbs where the houses were more affordable.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Casablanca Outline

I. Setting

A. Casablanca, Morroco

1. World War II

II. Introducation

A. Rick Blaine

1. Main character

2.Cafe Owner

B. Ilsa Lund

1. Married to Victor Laszlo

2. Used to have a thing with Rick

C. Ugarte


Has letters of transit

III. Rising Action

A. Ilsa arrives
1.She sees Sam
2.Rick finds out Ilsa is married
3.Ilsa and Laszlo plan to leave to America

IV. Climax

A. The

singing of the German pride song

1.make the cafe close

B. Ilsa threatens Rick with a gun

1.Tells Rick she's in love with him

V. Falling Action


Police arrest Laszlo

1. O

n a minor charge


Rick convinces Renault to let him go by promising to set him up on a more serious crime

VI. Conclusion

A. Renault tries to arrest Laszlo


Rick points a gun towards him and makes him help in their escape.


German officers arrive


Rick kills the lead officer

C. Rick becomes friends with the cop.