Sunday, May 22, 2011

Top.12 Concept Guide

Truman Doctrine - a policy that was set by the Harry Truman who was the U.S President saying that the U.S would support with economic and military aid to prevent their falling into the Soviet Sphere.
Containment Policy - It was a United States policy to use military and economic strategies to not let the spread of communism occur and prevent the domino effect.
Bay of Pigs Invasion - Was an unsuccessful action to invade southern Cuba. The U.S supported this action as well to over throw the Cuban government.
U.S Foreign Policy with regard to Korea and Vietnam - The U.S government were involved in the war trying to precent communist takeover of South Vietnam and as part of their strategy of containment.
Intervention - The U.S would send money to other countries and military supplies.
Cold War Development - The U.S did not trust communists and the USSR did not trust capitalist. Not to mention the distrust of the Soviets by the United States and the same distrust of the United States from the Soviet Union. Add to this the arms race, race to space and other events and you have the cold war.
War Powers Act - a federal law intended to check the power of the President in committing the United States to an armed conflict without the consent of Congress.
World War II Foreign Policy Vs. Post - WWII Foreign Policy - Prior to WWII American foreign policy was isolationist. We felt that other nations problems, particularly their wars, were their own business and we avoided getting involved unless we felt directly threatened. As a result of WWII though we decided that threats to peace and freedom elsewhere in the world did affect us, that if we ignored serious trouble in the world it would probably eventually find us. Thus after the war we became internationalist using our power and prestige to help and protect our friends and acting to prevent wars wherever possible or to minimize them when they did break out.
Limited War - conflict that those participating in the war did not use all the available resources.
Containment in Europe - Prisons, police departments, and judicial systems
Main Points of the Division of Germany - After the defeat of Germany in WWII the country was split between East and West. West Germany was a parliamentary democracy, and NATO member. East Germany was a totalitarian Stalinist dictatorship allied with the Soviet Union.
Douglass MacArthur dismissal - President Truman fired him for making public statements that contradicted the official policies of the United States Government.
Korean War Similarities with Persian Gulf War - Both Wars were supported by the United Nations.
Nuclear Test Ban - The U.S, Soviet Union, and United Kingdom banned all tests of nuclear weapons except those underground.
Long Term effect of Vietnam - People were killed and terribly injured.
Peace Corps - Volunteers travel overseas to make real differences in the lives of real people.
End of the Cold War - The fall of the Berlin wall and the separation of the Soviet Union.
Domino Theory - Theory that if one state in a region came under communism than the surrounding countries would follow in a domino effect.
Nixon's Detente - Easing the relations between the Soviet Union and the U.S

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