Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Casablanca Outline

I. Setting

A. Casablanca, Morroco

1. World War II

II. Introducation

A. Rick Blaine

1. Main character

2.Cafe Owner

B. Ilsa Lund

1. Married to Victor Laszlo

2. Used to have a thing with Rick

C. Ugarte


Has letters of transit

III. Rising Action

A. Ilsa arrives
1.She sees Sam
2.Rick finds out Ilsa is married
3.Ilsa and Laszlo plan to leave to America

IV. Climax

A. The

singing of the German pride song

1.make the cafe close

B. Ilsa threatens Rick with a gun

1.Tells Rick she's in love with him

V. Falling Action


Police arrest Laszlo

1. O

n a minor charge


Rick convinces Renault to let him go by promising to set him up on a more serious crime

VI. Conclusion

A. Renault tries to arrest Laszlo


Rick points a gun towards him and makes him help in their escape.


German officers arrive


Rick kills the lead officer

C. Rick becomes friends with the cop.

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