The Boy in the Striped Pajamas takes place during World War II. The story is told through the eyes of an eight year old boy named Bruno. Bruno is the son of the commandant at the concentration camp, which happens to be steps away from their new house. Not long after the family moves Bruno decides to adventure around his new lot. He runs into the prison camp where he meets a young Jewish boy named Shmuel.
Shmuel is dressed in striped pajamas and on the opposite side of the electric fence. Bruno is not allowed to see Shmuel but sneaks to see him secretly. By the control of Hitler (the strong nation) he has millions of soldiers keeping guard at the concentration camps, killing tons of Jews (the weaker nation). The jews have no control over their fate, you either have to follow the soldiers orders or you get shot. The concentration camp Shmuel was at was awful, the poor boy had to wear these dirty hideous striped outfits and do all the work around the camp. The camp was not even close to the way we picture camps now-a-days, it was dirty, scary, and dark. By the end of the story Bruno actually goes into the camp to be with his friend and ends up being mistaken as a jew and gets brought into the gas chamber with Shmuel. I believe this is an excellent example of a stronger nation oppressing a weaker nation; imperialism.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the summary. It was nice and short and it covered everthing that happened :) Thank you and can't wait to read more :)
Keep up the great work